2 part money problems
Finding change from 20p
Finding the change from 10p
Adding 2 amounts (below 20p)
2 step word problems
Using bar models to solve money word problems
How to tackle everyday money word problems.
Adding amounts (over £1)
Adding amounts of money (less than £1)
Practice your fluency facts with Miss Catton and get speedy at answering number sentences. You will need two 10 frames and 20 counters.
Skip counting
Number patterns part 1
Learn how to subtract 2 big numbers using column method. Sometimes we have to go to the bank to exchange a stick of 10 for 10 ones.
Learn how to add big numbers using column addition
How to skip jump on a number line to solve multiplication problems
Can you make an array from a multiplication sentence?
Can u match the multiplication sentence to the correct array? Watch out for a few tricks and challenges along the way!!
Finding arrays around the house and writing the multiplication sentences to match.